Living Colors, the Abstract Acrylic Art of Victoria

red eyes acrylic abstract art blue eye acrylic abstract art

The paintings of Victoria

In the paintings of Victoria
there is all her life
and the history of Canada
from the beginings to today
if you look well
you find God within them
working through her
as a new artist
but the marks are there
and they are visible
especially when
her soul is serene
then purple, lilac
white red and gold
mix togethere
and it is an angel that speaks
through her
her guardian angel
that in dark moments
makes her use colors
deeper and wilder
because her sadness
is won by her character
stronger than death
stronger than life...

Emilia Daria Clerici

Biography of Victoria Barone-Adesi

Victoria Barone-Adesi, self-taught abstract artist, has shown her work in exhibitions in Tropea, Italy and in Nova Milanese, Italy and Lugano, Switzerland. Her art is exhibited in private collections in Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Switzerland and the United States. Her work can be viewed online at
Victoria Barone-Adesi was born in Austin Texas USA on the 23rd of March 1987. She is a citizen of Canada, America, Italy and Switzerland. At home she enjoys painting, programming and playing bridge.
Victoria's statement about her work is the hope that her paintings bring light, peace, and happiness into people's lives.
She also believes in making imagination real for a better world; full of hope, happiness and dreams. Enjoy true inspiration blooming from the emotional unconscious mind of Victoria Barone-Adesi. Without light, color would not be visible. Without color, life would be dull.
Fortunately there are colors, so dreams can become real for all to see.
If you have time, write me an email and tell me what you think of my paintings. My email address is

vapaintings (at) gmail (dot) com

Montagnola, December 2008.

Copyright 2009 Victoria Barone-Adesi